Three subjects to include in a successful social media strategy: Author Edition

[Note: This post is aimed at authors, but can be utilized by anyone.]

Using social media as an author isn’t just about selling your books. It’s about growing and maintaining a fan base, especially for new authors and indie authors.

If you can grow a following of loyal fans, you’ll already have willing readers when your next book comes out. And guests for your book signing events. And BETA readers or reviewers.

If you’re already a famous author, your social media is still important because it’s a way to keep connected with your audience - and even find new readers.

But too many posts that just say “buy my book” does not a following make. You need to offer more.

Social Media Strategy

Sure, you can just post what you feel like on any given day. You could just sprinkle in those two or three book ad posts every few days amongst a picture of your animal family members. But that won't grow your audience or keep your audience interested.

Actually, those animal family members make great content, so you can continue with pet posts, please and thank you.

You need to consider your content pillars. What are content pillars? These are a set of themes or subjects you can create posts about.

Why have content pillars? Content Pillars are used in all marketing strategies. The right content pillars will keep your audience around while they wait for book 3 or book 33.

Deciding and planning what content pillars to use will make it much easier for you to write targeted content rather than struggle with deciding what to write. And you can make the content pillars work for you.

Three is a magic number

Now, what you choose to discuss and share will be up to you and the audience you want to attract. I know, I promised answers. They will come - but I can’t tell you exactly what to write or share. I don’t know enough about who you are or who your audience is.

However, there are three areas you should cover that will allow you to create focused content for any audience.

The 3 key content areas are:

1. Business

It’s all about your books, baybee.

Posts about business will be linked directly to what you are selling. We're talking book promotions, book sales, quotes from your book, quotes from book reviews, book cover reveals. This area is for anything and everything to do with your books. The key is to avoid being too salesy.

You’ll also want some eye-catching images or graphics that you can reuse. Grab those eyeballs!

And please don’t stop at number 1!

2. Educate

You're a SME; that’s a Subject Matter Expert.

This means that you know a lot about something. The great news is that your audience wants to know about it too. Especially if what you are an expert in is connected to your book. Actually, that’s the ideal.

Is your book about gardening? Then share photos from your current gardening project. Host a Q&A where you can answer gardening questions from your audience. Drop tips about the tools you love to use.

Are you a horror writer? Share what inspires you. Uplift other horror creators by promoting a book of theirs that you loved.

And don’t just focus on social media platforms.

Your author website blog is an organic, inbound marketing tool that brings potential readers straight to your website from the wilds of the internet. Perhaps write a long blog post about the history and influences of your genre. Maybe mention the book you’ve written…No. You should absolutely mention your book if it fits with the blog post.

Then promote your blog on social media. Bring people to where your book is.

People love to learn, and they can learn from you.

Be useful. This is about growing a community after all.

3. Entertain

To paraphrase Maya Angelou: people might not remember what you said, but they will remember how you made them feel.

So make your audience laugh, smile, or feel something.

If you love memes, this is where your meme game can shine.

If you write fantasy and also play Dungeons and Dragons or write weird fiction and also play Call of Cthulhu (other Table-Top Role-Playing Games - TTRPG’s - are available) you should share your fun/weird experiences. It’s highly likely there’ll be a cross-over between fans of the fiction genre you write and fans of the TTRPG genre.

Be relatable to your target audience and they'll keep coming back for more.

In short, consider what you have to offer your ideal reader (other than your excellent books) and give it to them.

Use these three areas in your social media strategy and you’ll be well on your way to growing your audience.

No country for tired authors?

So you don’t have the time, energy, or inclination to boost your social media? If you still recognize the importance of maintaining your social media presence, you can hire help.

From strategizing your content calendar, writing your posts, or making eye-catching graphics, help is available. You can even delegate all your social media management to someone who will work to support your author career. What you need is an Author Assistant.

And you’ve already found one.

Mary Wyrd supports authors with content strategy and creation. I can help give you back time to write your WIP by taking on your other tasks.

Mary Wyrd: Author Assistant, Copywriter, and Virtual Assistant for creative businesses


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